Welcome to
The Renewal Place

We are a community of Believers who love Jesus, grateful for his Love and Grace and we are focused on helping many discover Jesus.

We Are A People
Driven by God's Word

“Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified”
Acts 20:32 (NIV)

See Jesus

Come see Jesus. For in Jesus Christ we live and move and have our being.

Meet Family

Meet people who love Jesus like you do and working for His kingdom come.

Find Answers

His word is a lamp for our feet, a light on our path. We have clarity.

Pray Up

Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groanings that can not be uttered.

We Are A People
Driven by God's Word

“Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified”
Acts 20:32 (NIV)

See Jesus

Come see Jesus. For in Jesus Christ we live and move and have our being.

Meet Family

Meet people who love Jesus like you do and working for His kingdom come.

Find Answers

His word is a lamp for our feet, a light on our path. We have clarity.

Pray Up

Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groanings that can not be uttered.

Our Statement of Faith

As a people, we are driven, led and guided by God’s given Word to help us grow, disciple fellows and navigate the move of God at times as such as this.

Meet a family filled
with God's Spirit & Word

Whether you just got saved, you are desperate for an experience with Jesus Christ, or you are looking for a gathering of saints to settle down, serve and grow; then the Renewal Place is here for you, we are waiting for you, you are welcome!

Become part of
God's move ⚡

Are you passionate about serving in the Lord’s house?  Do you want to see the gospel spread and souls reached? Partner with us, volunteer and let’s take the gospel to the end of the world!

Stream our messages on
Believers App

The Believers App is a super app to support gospel creators, upload, stream and download gospel sermons, songs, and prayer chants. Stay edified!

Finix Core Features

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About Finix

We provide Data Analytics Techniques & Solutions

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We make websites are the number one ranked design, build and marketing team. Creative and beautiful websites that will make you more successful. sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
We make websites are the number one ranked design, build and marketing team. Creative and beautiful websites that will make you more successful. sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Our Leadership Team

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Alice R Sloat

Sales Manager

Molly Davidson

HR Managment

Ronald Boyd

Web Developer

Andrew Taylor

Company CEO

Stephanie Glover

Graphic Designer

Nicholas Allan

Project Manager

Jessica Baker

HR Management

Leonard Bailey

Web Developer

See Jesus

Come see Jesus. For in Jesus Christ we live and move and have our being.